Answer: Error 691

Error 691 is caused by your username or password being typed in correctly. To fix this problem follow these steps:

  1. Click on 'Start' then 'Control Panel'.
  2. Go to 'Internet Options'. This may be found under 'Network and Internet Connections' then 'Internet Options'.
  3. Click the tab labeled 'Connections' at the top of the window.
  4. Double-click the correct dial-up account listed in the 'Dial-up and Virtual Private Network settings' box. Usually it is listed as 'CalTel (default)' or 'Calaveras Internet (default)'.
  5. make sure the 'User name' box at the bottom of this window contains your full email address in the form of
  6. Delete all of the dots in the password field and re-type the correct password for this account. Please call us if you do not remember your password.
  7. Click 'OK'.
  8. Click 'OK' again.
  9. Close the Control Panel.
  10. Try re-connecting.

If the above steps do not work, please call our office.