Windows Live Mail Setup

To set up Windows Live Mail, use these steps:

  1. Click on the blue button in the upper left-hand corner of Windows Live Mail.
  2. Go to Options then Email accounts:
  3. Click on the Add button:
  4. Choose “Email Account” then click “Next”:
  5. Put in your Email Address, Password, your name under Display Name and check the Manually configure server settings box:
  6. Click Next:
  7. Incoming “Server address” is Check “Requires a secure connection (SSL)”. Make sure Port changes from 110 to 995.
  8. Change the “Logon user name” to your full email address.
  9. Outgoing “Server Address” is Check “Requires a secure connection (SSL)” and “Requires authentication”.
  10. Change the Port from 25 to 587.
  11. Click Next.
  12. Click Finish.